Photography — Broadcasting In Black & White — Born in Brooklyn Media


Episode 11: Kenton's Top 10 Mistakes

Episode 11: Kenton's Top 10 Mistakes

We all love lists, right?  We all hate making mistakes, right?  Network photographer Kenton Young shares his top 10 mistakes so we can all learn from them and avoid making the same ones in the field.  Sometimes they might seem obvious, but creating a checklist from Kenton's mistakes can help... we hope.  Have you made the same mistakes before?  Other mistakes you've made that others can learn from?  Share them with us on twitter or Facebook.  Thanks for listening.

Episode 10: Michael DelGiudice

Episode 10: Michael DelGiudice

Michael DelGiudice has an uncanny ability to bring viewers to the story.  It's no wonder that reporters who work with him usually use so few words.  When there is a track, DelGiudice usually has the perfect shot to match.  During our conversation with the lensman he explains how his passion for the camera helped him find a career he had never imagined.  A career that now includes more than 60 Emmy's, although he doesn't like to talk about it.  He explains how learning how to do other jobs around the newsroom can make you a better storyteller.