Episode 9: Wayne Freedman (Part 2) — Born in Brooklyn Media

Episode 9: Wayne Freedman (Part 2)

In part two of our conversation with Wayne Freedman we get deeper into the craft of journalism.  Wayne shares the struggle to cover news in the Bay Area as crews continue to get attacked for their equipment.  He talks about the Darwinian nature of a reporting career.  We discuss the frustration in predicting the future of the business and the affirmation bias creating a division in the country.  Just as Freedman's book should be required reading for all young journalists, this conversation is a must listen!

Broadcasting In Black & White Episode 9 Wayne Freedman (Part 2)
BIB Media (Born In Brooklyn)

Wayne's Twitter Feed

Check out a quick glimpse of Wayne's twitter narration and photos that regularly appear on his feed.

Video Journalist, MMJ, One-man-band Sometimes Wayne shoots and edits his own stories.

Video Journalist, MMJ, One-man-band Sometimes Wayne shoots and edits his own stories.

Targeting TV Reporters

Wayne talks about needing security on a regular basis to cover stories in the Bay Area these days.  Sometimes reporters have to choose between getting the story and putting their safety at risk.  You can click on any of the pictures to read more about some of the recent attacks on journalists in the area.

Sometimes I think there are people in war zones who are safer than we are.
— Wayne Freedman on covering news in certain Bay Area neighborhoods
Wayne received more than 50 Emmy Awards and the Governors' Citation.

Wayne received more than 50 Emmy Awards and the Governors' Citation.

I like having the license to ask questions. That’s cool.
— Wayne Freedman on why he still covers the news after more than 40 years

It Takes More Than Good Looks

Wayne literally wrote the book on TV reporting (at least one of them).  He shares his stories of the day to day battle in the field to show you how to find characters, follow threads, and make your own luck.  We highly recommend it for anyone in the field.  Click on the picture for a link.

You show me a TV reporter who isn’t frustrated and I’ll show you one who’s not very good.
— Wayne Freedman