Episode 7: Melissa Alam

Melissa Alam is on fire!  She's tearing up the entrepreneurial world in Philadelphia and across the country using girl power (our words, not hers) to do it.  In the podcast she talks about coming up with her own job title and description.  She also talks about the importance of finding a community of like-minded people, and building your own brand.  We hope you enjoy our conversation.  If you do, please subscribe on iTunes.  Thanks for listening.   


Melissa Online

Social Media

Twitter: @RingTheAlam

Instagram: RingTheAlam

Facebook: Melissa N. Alam

Pintrest: RingTheAlam



Femme & Fortune

The Hive


"Dress like a hipster, work like a horse." - Melissa Alam

Always Learning

In her spare time Melissa likes to learn new skills and sharpen old ones by using Skillshare.  Check out the website and see if there are any skills you could polish or learn.

Cronut West?

Melissa introduced us to the cruffin at Mr. Holmes Bakehouse in California.  It's a combination of a croissant and a muffin.  Judging by the picture it would go great with a cup of New York Coffee.